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By Ashley Bradshaw, MS, RDN, LDN
Founder, Lead Registered Dietitian, Nutrition Coach, RYT 200

Moving slowly and gently outward from our place of peace in January and being with what is. We start to settle in with more focused intentions. We use the time of winter’s hibernation to begin deeper healing by loving ourselves and moving that love outwards to all the sentient beings and Mother Earth herself. 

The inward work of winter remains present first and foremost, but we start to emit it outward – through love. 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine the Element associated with winter is water. Water is essential to life and is deeply nourishing – full of energy and potential. Water moves effortlessly and takes the exact form of whatever contains it. This is why rest and hibernation are essential to winter. We must balance, restore, and take care of our energy to prepare it for the Spring and Summer months ahead. We must fill our cups mindfully to bring strength and courage in the months ahead from a place of self-compassion and love. This focused energy can flow outward into the space around us and those we interact with. 

Which brings us to the intention of this month’s intention – YOUR RIPPLE EFFECT. 

All the little things you do set off a RIPPLE EFFECT that becomes much bigger than ourselves!

Your actions are your only true belongings. You cannot escape the consequences of your actions.

I am sure this is not a new concept for you, but I invite you to stay mindful and present with this month, this month of love.

Do your actions have an effect upon you?

What type of an environment do your actions cultivate for yourself and those around you?

What impression are you having upon Mother Earth?

The first week of our Yoga Calendar will focus on creating a positive, loving ripple effect internally – within yourself. Then we will continue to scale out each week until we arrive at our final focus of love for Mother Earth.

When you are thinking about the ripple effect moving first internally and then outward from there, I want you to always tune into your internal being first. Ensure that your cup is full. Focusing internally first will help ensure a strong foundation and space for you to be able to give to others from. Allowing you to be able to more innately set off a positive ripple effect. So, if we are truly paying attention then you may spend this entire month working internally for yourself and filling your own cup only. My friend that is perfect! Just by doing that, you will be creating a positive ripple effect that will, ultimately, move outward to others as your actions will be more loving as you love yourself more!

With that said, we must intentionally set aside time to create that positive ripple effect within ourselves first to help to fill our cup or keep our cup filled.

Just be true and honest by listening to your body, to yourself.

Each week we will dive in a little deeper on the concept of your ripple effect. We will share an intention that you can focus on that week if you would like.

Get your copy of our Free Clickable, Downloadable Love Moth Yoga Calendar, YOUR RIPPLE EFFECT. This will help you intentionally set aside time to create the positive ripple effect first within yourself, filling or keeping you cup filled.  

love month yoga calendar


  • Receive your free, clickable PDF of the love month yoga calendar here.
  • 5 yoga practices are shared each week. 1 video available on our Awakened Actions | A2B2 YouTube channel. We have designed this calendar so that each week builds upon the last working towards the monthly intention!
    • To get instant access to all practices on the calendar, click here and become a Level 1 Awakened Member!
  • Guided meditation practices are included for each week to incorporate at your pleasure into your weekly yoga ritual.
  • Incorporate these videos into your current fitness and self care routine. Use this as a way to support you on your journey to the happier, healthier you.
  • You may find this helpful to bring intention to each week, where you may have felt a little lack in focus before. It provides guidance in tending to, and deepening, your mind-body connection.
  • Are you ready to dive deeper into your self-care routine with a daily yoga practice?!? Our monthly Yoga Training Plans outline a daily yoga practice! This is included in our Level 3 Awakened Membership for just $7.99/mo. PLUS you will get access to 300+ exclusive members only practices (not featured on our free YouTube Channel). Click here to learn more and get all the amazing benefits of the become a Level 3 Member!

I hope this calendar supports you in finding a calm, balanced body and mind throughout the month and with each season.

I’ll meet you on the mat!

From My Heart to Yours,


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