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Developing a morning ritual that includes yoga will set a healthy, mindful tone for your day.

The movement clears out those cobwebs in your body from the night’s rest, providing your body a fresh start.

The connection of mind, body & breath invites you to tune into your mindfulness first thing.

Think of it as starting your day with a dose of selfcare, dedicating time to yourself & your health & wellbeing. Feel a sense of personal accomplishment first thing in the morning telling yourself, you got this and can handle whatever the day brings you!

My Yoga Morning Rituals

There are two times & types of morning practices I enjoy.

  1. Immediately after rolling out of bed.
  2. Mid-morning, 2-3 hours after waking.

The practice I’m sharing with you below invites more movement than you would catch me doing immediately after getting out of bed! That’s my Yin Zen time. This practice is my ideal mid-morning practice. LOVE a quick 15-20 minute strengthening flow midmorning!

Morning is my FAVORITE time to practice. I would have never guessed I would say that 10 years ago because I LOVE my sleep. There was several years where I desired to become more of a morning person, but there was something standing in my way, holding me back from making it happen.

Tool to Become a Morning Person

My friends, if you’re in the same boat I was I encourage you to checkout the SpringKIT I recently released. This is the season of the most palpable time of change for growth in mother nature & our body & mind. This is the time of year of I focused my intent on digging in and uncovering what was holding me back from developing my morning ritual. That’s exactly what the KIT is designed to help you do with the integration of yoga, meditation & journaling. I share with you the tools that helped me bust through the barriers that were holding me back from making the change.

I started my morning ritual 5 years ago and each year it evolves. I’m now naturally starting to wake up in the 4 o’clock hour. Say what?!?!?! Yeah, I know it’s crazy! The key words there are, naturally wake up, no icky alarm!! I truly love & value those early morning hours of time dedicated to ME!

Then I get to spend the rest of my day tending to my lovely, inspiring clients and sharing healthy living & yoga love with all of you.

The SpringKIT is designed to help in any area you are feeling stuck & ready to make a change. Bring an open mind & be willing to open yourself to the possibility of change.

Check it out @ 
The KIT is also located in our Awakened Membership site which you could access with our FREE 14-Day Trial:

Free Yoga Practice:

Rise & Shine Flow (15 Minute) | Yoga for Strength

Let’s Breathe, Connect & Let Go.

Love & Light


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