It may not always feel like it, but all our emotions serve a purpose whether it is stress, joy, anxiety, or fear. When the emotion overpowers or consumes us is when we may start to view the emotion negatively or as a problem. This can and does influence our eating behaviors along with many other areas of life.
Struggle with emotional eating?! Check out this article for 3 Steps to Overcome Emotional Eating
Below you will find a free guided meditation for coping with anxiety. This was a special request from a client. I know they’re not alone in a desire to seek a way to calm themselves when they feel anxiety overpowering them. My hope is you may use this as a stepping stone to help heal a potentially troublesome relationship with anxiety. It’s short with the intent of being able to use it at almost any point and time no matter where you are.
Find a quiet spot if you can, close your eyes, and listen to my voice as I guide you.
I have an extended version in our membership site plus over 40 guided meditations. View the playlist here.
Most effective for coping with anxiety when practiced regularly!
#relax #release #letgo
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