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By Ashley Bradshaw
Founder, Lead Registered Dietitian, Nutrition Coach, RYT 200

As we enter August we are at the height of summer, yet the transition of autumn clearly comes into view.

Now is a good time to take a pulse check on how you did throughout July at finding your balance, while glowing and growing with summer:

  • Have you continuously pruned and de-weeded to help stay focused on what is most true and important to you?
  • Did you nurture and nourish your seeds along the way so the roots maintained a solid foundation to support a bountiful harvest?
  • Have you dedicated the needed time and care to your intentions? To the seeds you planted in the spring to help them fully blossom now in the summer?
  • In autumn will you be able to easily release that which no longer serves you as easily as the trees release their leaves to the autumn wind?

If you find that you got carried away in the high energy of summer and lost focus of your intentions, that is okay my friend. It’s time to take inventory on where you are NOW. Take note of any helpful lessons along the way that you may apply from this experience into the future. Perhaps, THAT will be the bounty of your harvest.

This brings us to the intention of this month’s Yoga with the Seasons calendar. It is all about helping you return to, and maintain your Balance and Stability.

It is time to start to make the shift and look ahead to what is to come in autumn. Thus, we start to draw slightly inward, grounding and ensuring we are maintaining balance and creating stability. This will fortify us for reaping the rewards of the high energy of summer with the pending harvest to come. We prepare to gather the bountiful harvest and store it for the winter months.

With the high energy and warmth of the summer being so strong and present, you may find a restorative, yin style yoga practice can help your body and mind stay balanced and in harmony. Thus, this month’s Yoga with the Seasons calendar is actually a 31 Day Yoga Training Plan (YTP) focused on the energy of Yin and Yang.

We will explore the different combinations of yin and yang energy focused practices. We will experience the effects of the energy within your body, mind and spirit. This YTP will help you feel, understand, and process what works for your body to cultivate a sense of balance and stability. This will support your well-being and fully reap the benefits of the growth and bounty of summer. This will also help to prepare us to have the fortitude to connect with our intuition in autumn.

Autumn provides us with a natural opportunity to release what no longer serves us. Releasing it back to the earth as the trees release their leaves to the autumn wind. It prepares us for slowing down and returning within once winter arrives.

To finish off summer and prepare for what is to come, let’s return to ourselves and ensure Balance and Stability.

Get your copy of our Free Clickable, Downloadable 31 Day Yoga Training Plan, Balance and Stability. This will help explore yin and yang energy in a way that will help you feel, understand, and process what works for your body to cultivate a sense of balance within and stability in your connection with Nature.





  • Receive your free, clickable PDF of the yoga training plan (YTP) here.
  • 9 practices are shared each week with all but 3-4 videos available on our Awakened Actions | A2B2 YouTube channel. We have designed this YTP to cultivate the monthly intention!
  • To get instant access to all practices on the calendar, click here and become a Level 1 Awakened Member!
  • Guided meditation practices are included for each week to incorporate at your pleasure into your weekly yoga ritual.
  • Incorporate these videos into your current fitness and self care routine. Use this as a way to support you on your journey to the happier, healthier you. 
  • You may find this helpful to bring intention to each week, where you may have felt a little lack in focus before. It provides guidance in tending to, and deepening, your mind-body connection.

I hope this calendar supports you finding a calm, balanced body and mind throughout the month and with each season.

I’ll meet you on the mat!

From My Heart to Yours,




  • Tatiana says:

    Hello, I became Level 1 Awakened member but I don’t have the access to the videos as you stated. It says I need to have Level 3. Can you clarify that please?
    Thank you very much

    • Ashley Bradshaw says:

      Hi Tatiana! I am so sorry for the confusion. You get access to the practices of the current yoga calendar. The July yoga calendar ended over the weekend so I just switched it all over to August (Balance & Stability/Yin-Yang) a few hours ago. I would be happy to turn the practice back on for you! Which practice from July’s Grow & Glow calendar were you hoping to practice?

      • Ashley Bradshaw says:

        Tatiana I appreciate you bringing this to my attention as I do feel you should have access to all the practices from the yoga calendars. Given this, I am going to go back through and open them to level 1. Again, my apologies for the confusion and gratitude for your post!

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