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By Ashley Bradshaw, MS, RDN, LDN
Founder, Lead Registered Dietitian, Nutrition Coach, RYT 200

Just like in nature, autumn is a transformational time for your body and mind. The same goes for the intentions you have been so diligently focused on and mindful of since the spring.  

In the Spring you plant seeds of healthy living! 

In the Summer you nourished the seeds you planted (by then, ‘plants’) and tended to them by pruning away old stuck habits, redefining intentions, etc. This allowed space for the new habits to grow and ensured you appropriately aligned your attention with the high energy and growth of the season. 

In the Autumn it is time to harvest the fruits of your labor and release what no longer serves you.

The work you did in last month’s Yoga with the Seasons calendar focused on settling down from the high energy of summer and ever so slightly beginning to turn your attention inward. You focused on gathering up the bounty of your harvest from the internal garden you have been cultivating all these months.

You did this in preparation of being ready to focus on letting go of what does not support your balanced, healthy body and mind this autumn season. Thus, bringing us to the intention of this month’s calendar – RELEASE AND LET GO.

Let’s release the potential thoughts of these new habits as ‘goals or intentions.’ Allow yourself to fully settle into and reap the benefits of your hard work. Old habits are hard to modify and new habits can be hard to nourish and grow. I am sure there are a few seeds you planted in the spring that never reached fruition, and that is okay! Let those plants, those intentions go for this season, give them back to Mother Nature. 

Have the wisdom to release what no longer serves you as the trees release their leaves to the autumn wind. Have gratitude for what you did achieve and allow yourself to settle even deeper into the bounty of your harvest. 

To help you release what does not support you and let go of the plants (a.k.a, intentions) that did not reach fruition, let’s take a moment to reflect on your experience:

  • Is there a deeper rooted obstacle of the intention you planted that needs tending to first?
  • Upon reflection, was it realistic for you to achieve?
    • If not, why? Based on your answer, is this something that would best serve you to completely let go of? Can you give it to Mother Nature so you can focus your attention on what is realistic next time?
    • If yes, what obstacles held you back? Self limiting thoughts? Not making it a priority? Maybe a death in the family or health scare? Etc. Will you revisit planting this seed next Spring?
  • Was the intention you planted too loosely defined? Does it need to be more action oriented?

Get your copy of our Free Clickable, Downloadable Yoga Calendar, RELEASE AND LET GO. Dive in deeper so you can truly release and let go of what does not support your balanced, healthy body and mind. This will help you to be one with Mother Nature as it is a season of releasing and preparing to turn inward for the winter months to come.

Autumn Yoga


  • Receive your free, clickable PDF of the autumn yoga calendar here.
  • 5 yoga practices are shared each week with all but 1 video available on our Awakened Actions | A2B2 YouTube channel. We have designed this calendar so that each week builds upon the last working towards the monthly intention!
    • To get instant access to all practices on the calendar, click here and become a Level 1 Awakened Member!
  • Guided meditation practices are included for each week to incorporate at your pleasure into your weekly yoga ritual.
  • Incorporate these videos into your current fitness and self care routine. Use this as a way to support you on your journey to the happier, healthier you.
  • You may find this helpful to bring intention to each week, where you may have felt a little lack in focus before. It provides guidance in tending to, and deepening, your mind-body connection.
  • Are you ready to dive deeper into your self-care routine with a daily yoga practice?!? Our monthly Yoga Training Plans outline a daily yoga practice! This is included in our Level 3 Awakened Membership for just $7.99/mo. PLUS you will get access to 300+ exclusive members only practices (not featured on our free YouTube Channel). Click here to learn more and get all the amazing benefits of the become a Level 3 Member!

I hope this calendar supports you in finding a calm, balanced body and mind throughout the month and with each season.

I’ll meet you on the mat!

From My Heart to Yours,


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