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Do you ever finish eating and think…..

…… ‘that was good but lasted like 2 seconds’

…… ‘it took me way longer to make that meal than to eat it’

We always tell our dog Johnny to stop scarfing down his food. ‘Slow down, it isn’t going anywhere!’ Insert, Johnny belching after eating too fast.

JohnnyThis leads to a joke between my hubby and I because we sometimes find ourselves doing the exact same thing. Especially at lunch when trying to get back to work.

Below are 5 Mindful Eating Tips to help you slow down if you are a fast eater… I’m not sure how well they would work for your four legged friend though ðŸ˜‰

The tips are setup to build upon one another as you sit down for a meal, but you may find just 1 or 2 that work for you, your habits, your lifestyle.

MindfulEatingTip_Slow Down (1)The tips may seem like a nuisance but just think of them as tools to initially break the habit of the fast-paced eating. When you have broken the habit, you can put them into your healthy living toolbox. Keep the toolbox near by so when you notice your pace of eating picking back up (old habits die hard!) you can get them back out and refocus your eating pace.

Clients Feedback on Most Effective Tip: clients have shared that setting the timer for 20 minutes is the most effective tool to breaking the habit. It allows them to be more aware of their intentions to eat slower upon sitting down and implement the remaining mindful eating tips throughout the meal.



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