Do you keep track of your bank finances? Track how much gas is in your car? Groceries you have on hand? Task list at work? Kids grades at school?
If you answered yes to any of the above, why do you keep track of them? More than likely it is to stay on track with meeting a goal you have set… making sure expenses aren’t too high, you don’t run out of gas/groceries, tasks completed for the day/week, kids aren’t falling behind in school.
Do you have goals set for weight loss, health & wellness? Maybe improve diet, increase fitness, decrease sedentary time, drink more water, improve sleep? Are you tracking your progress with this goal?? Take a second and think about that, why would you NOT track this goal, but you will keep a close eye on the other goals (i.e., bank, gas, kids, etc.)?
There are many ways to track… I’m personally not a huge fan of manually tracking. I prefer implementing tools to track for me like fitbit to track steps, active time, sleep. I actually only manually track as a last result/threat to myself that if I don’t do xyz to help meet my goal then I have to manually track… which usually makes me take action
Take my recent goal to increase water. I am a terrible water drinker, but I know that on days I do stay well hydrated I feel sooo much better (my motivator). I kept dragging my feet for a few weeks until I put parameters in place to track my water intake better… otherwise, the next week I would make myself start to manually track water (ick!). My game plan for better tracking – determine ounces in my water bottle (32 oz) and set times I needed to have 1 water bottle drank by (1st by 12 pm the 2ndby 5-6 pm) + fill water bottle soon as I wake up + focus on drinking water during 1on1s + walks. I have been rockin’ it for 2 weeks, but I have several weeks ahead of me to remain intentional with building the water habit until it becomes more natural.
That is just the tip of the iceberg with tracking. I could go on but I will leave it at that for this week… if you have a healthy living goal, get a plan in place to start tracking to help bring more awareness to this new habit, be intentional and start to chip away!
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